Has anyone heard of The Ship of Theseus? If you haven't, look it up. Now it's time to talk about what I wanted to talk about. If you were to have a total brain transplant, would you still be the same you? Think about it, you wouldn't have the same memories, feelings, and thoughts. Unless doctors and scientist invented some sort of injection that held all your old memories and feelings that they could inject into your new brain to give you all your old thoughts, memories, and feelings back. I doubt that though.
Most people believe you are made of your own actions and personalities. If you get a new brain, then you won't act like you used to. You wouldn't have the same memories either. Therefore, you wouldn't be you, but that's just half of it.
Other people believe that it's your body that make you who you are. So if you have the same body but different brain, the you would still be you.
What do you think?
P.S. If you did your research then you would realize that this is exactly like The Ship of Theseus and you would know why:)
Yoooo! My name is Scotty Wilmer. Well, Scotty actually isn't my name, but that's my secret. Join the Dark Side! Bring the princess and the wookie to me!!! =-=Cheerwine=-= =-=Cheese Puffs=-= =-=Couch Fortresses=-= =-=BACON=-= Yeah, I slap some bass, that's what I do!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Do you think that there is the same amount of even numbers as whole numbers? There actually is, here's why. If you look at this "number line," and you 1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8
multiplay each number by two, you get an even | | | | | | | |
number every time. Since there are an infinite amount 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
of numbers, there will always be enough evens to match up with the whole numbers! Something that's infinite just keeps going on forever, and ever.
multiplay each number by two, you get an even | | | | | | | |
number every time. Since there are an infinite amount 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
of numbers, there will always be enough evens to match up with the whole numbers! Something that's infinite just keeps going on forever, and ever.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Mind And Body
Cartesian dualism, the metaphysical theory that there are two different kinds of substances; mind or "mental substance," and body or "physical substance." That sounds really scientific but basically Cartesian dualism is the theory that mind and body are separate. Think about it this way, you can touch your body, but can you touch your thoughts? Nope. If you believe in God and you follow His wishes, you expect to go to Heaven, but your body itself can't go to Heaven. It's been buried six feet under ground in a coffin! It's just your soul that goes to Heaven. It's your soul that moves on, and in some religions, it gets reincarnated. See you in the after life!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Minimum Wage
Living on minimum wage is hard. You can barely get by paying you necessities. Let's say you work minimum wage at a McDonalds and you live in an apartment with two other roommates. Your parents kicked you out of their house because they can't support you forever. You make $777.20 a month after taxes and this is what you have to pay for:
Payments (per month)
Rent = $333
Gas = $100
Car Insurance = $30
Food = $50
Water = $10
Electricity = $30
Cell Phone Bill = $50
Health Care = $75
Internet = $13
Monthly Payment Total = $691
Money Left Over = $86
It's hard to live like that, and there will probably be other problems like car accidents, girlfriends, family gifts, kids, etc. There's thousands of people that live like that in the U.S. alone. Just be thankful if you don't have to live like this. It's brutal, but it's part of life.
Payments (per month)
Rent = $333
Gas = $100
Car Insurance = $30
Food = $50
Water = $10
Electricity = $30
Cell Phone Bill = $50
Health Care = $75
Internet = $13
Monthly Payment Total = $691
Money Left Over = $86
It's hard to live like that, and there will probably be other problems like car accidents, girlfriends, family gifts, kids, etc. There's thousands of people that live like that in the U.S. alone. Just be thankful if you don't have to live like this. It's brutal, but it's part of life.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Opportunity Cost
Nothing is ever free. Let's say I take you out to lunch and I'm paying. Free lunch for you, right? Nope, your sacrificing your time and the polite thing to do is take me out to lunch so then you'll end up paying too. Or you could just be a jerk and leave me hanging, but none-the-less, you could have done something else in that time. Something may be title free but you'll somehow end up paying for it. Let's say you got a "free" pie from someone, but it's poisoned! In order to survive you have to get your stomach pumped and you end up paying for the pumping of your stomach. You got a "free" pie, but you ended up paying for it. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Comment what you think.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
This video shows a few examples of gravity in work. To me gravity is pretty awesome. It's what keeps us on the ground and keeps us from floating around like a bunch of idiots! THANKS GRAVITY! Gravity was first put in scientific terms by Isaac Newton. It is where two objects are pulled together, for instance, in one part a the video some kid tried jump off this huge wall and go over a river. Though, he failed because gravity pulled him down before he made it to the other side. The boy was pulled down to Earth (Literally and mentally).Well done gravity! Comment what you think below!
This video shows a few examples of gravity in work. To me gravity is pretty awesome. It's what keeps us on the ground and keeps us from floating around like a bunch of idiots! THANKS GRAVITY! Gravity was first put in scientific terms by Isaac Newton. It is where two objects are pulled together, for instance, in one part a the video some kid tried jump off this huge wall and go over a river. Though, he failed because gravity pulled him down before he made it to the other side. The boy was pulled down to Earth (Literally and mentally).Well done gravity! Comment what you think below!
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Charter of the United Nations was established in 1945 after the end of WWII acknowledging the devastation of humanity during that time. The Charter states, under CHAPTER I: PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES, number 3; To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.
My definition of human rights is that everyone (race, sex, religion) should have equal opportunity. Though, sometimes your family can effect your rights too.
Let's say you are 16 years old and live in a mobile home in a small town in Louisiana. Your mom is a single parent to five kids and you are the oldest of all your siblings. She works two jobs to try and make ends meet so she is hardly ever home. You have to help take care of your brothers and sisters. In order to help your mom, you have dropped out of school and have the equivalent of a 9th grade education. You have a criminal record for stealing food for your family.
Your mom in that situation just screwed your life up because she was gone all day and left you to look after the other kids. All because she screwed up sometime in her life, some of her problems got dumped on you and screwed your life up too. I'm going to be honest and say that I'm very fortunate to be born into the family I'm in. The support me and my dreams. They feed me, give me advice, teach me, and all of the above! But what I fear is being segregated and lose all me rights. Though, if I do what I'm supposed to, not break "DA RULES," everything should be all right! Currently, everyone in the United Nations has equal rights by law. So as long as you stay on the right path, you should be alright too. Comment what you think.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Okay, first of all, I want to be clear. I hate pie. But right now we're going to be talking about a different pi. We're talking about the life of pi! The world's longest decimal number! In 2000 B.C. the Babylonians observed that pi is roughly 3. Later Archimedes gives the close approximation to pi of 22/7 and in 1706 A.D. the pi symbol,π, is created. The number pi has intrigued mathematicians for centuries and if we were able to find the answer to it not only would we find one of the greatest questions of all time but we would also find the exact number of how times a diameter goes into a circle. In 2002, pi had been converted to 1,241,100,000,000 digits. That's MENTAL! That would take you 62 laps around the world, and everyday it keeps growing! Comment what you think about this.
Monday, October 7, 2013
For the past two weeks I have been in London, England with my family. We had a couple of meetings that we had to go to, but after that we became... TOURISTS!! We went to the Tower of London and saw the Crown Jewels. MAN! The Royal family is LOADED! After we finished awing at someone else's wealth, we went to the gift shop. It is there where we got a bunch of overly priced items and fake jewelry! I don't really remember too much after that so let's move on to the next place, The Science Museum! I highly recommend the epic museum! It's not really a museum though, it's more like a play ground of awesomeness! In the museum there is a flight simulator that you control, and if you decide to flip over in the simulator, you flip over in real life. In was mental! We also went to the London Eye which went so high in the sky I almost cried! We also went to the London Dungeon! 10 out of 10! It scared to life, made me laugh my organs out, and fear for my life! That's basically our trip in London in a BIG summary. Sorry to my follower for not posting :)
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Do You Exist?
Do you exist? A French philosopher, Rene Descartes, came up with "method of doubt" and is one of the greatest philosophers ever. He has contributed greatly to mathematics and philosophy. He questioned if we really existed. Do we exist? There's no way of knowing. How do we know we exist? We can't solve that either. It's the "method of doubt." It's impossible to know if we really exist or we're just a brain in a vat. Why do we think our existence matters? Well, everyone has dreams that they want to accomplish. Whether it's beating a video game, or selling out Madison Square Garden. We think that we exist to accomplish goals, because what's the point of existing if you have nothing to win? Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am. We think that everything has to have a purpose, but there's no way of knowing that. That's what the method of doubt is all about. Comment what you think.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Johannes Kepler was a mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer. He was a key figure in 1700's science evolution. He had three laws of planetary motion:
1. All planets move in an elipse around the sun
2. The closer a planet is to the sun, the faster it orbits. When a planet is further away from the sun it moves slower.

3. The larger the elliptical orbit, to slower it takes a planet to complete one orbit.
When a planet moves in an opposite direction it's called "Retro Grade." Planets that move in Retro Grade also do epicycles. An epicycle is a when a planet moves in a circle.
We still use these laws today in astrology. We're even still discovering new things about the universe. Kepler was a pioneer in astronomy!
1. All planets move in an elipse around the sun
2. The closer a planet is to the sun, the faster it orbits. When a planet is further away from the sun it moves slower.
3. The larger the elliptical orbit, to slower it takes a planet to complete one orbit.
When a planet moves in an opposite direction it's called "Retro Grade." Planets that move in Retro Grade also do epicycles. An epicycle is a when a planet moves in a circle.
We still use these laws today in astrology. We're even still discovering new things about the universe. Kepler was a pioneer in astronomy!
Monday, September 16, 2013
What is your definition of equality? Seems like these days no one has a sense of equality. Think of all the things people say online. We "Become numb to what we're saying"- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Same Love. How do you think it would be like if everyone around you hated you because of your race? What if they tormented you non-stop? No mercy? Equality has many different parts like race, gender, gay, disability, age, and religion. We're all human beings and no one deserves to be tormented by how they we're born. We all should have equal opportunity. But there is also of types of discrimination like how you look and the type of music you listen to. There is always going to people that try to make lesser, that try to take your freedom and equality. But the least that we can do is strive to let everyone have everyone have freedom and equal opportunity. No one can take away you from you, and no one can defy that.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Today I learned about John Locke, a philosopher who came up with the "veil of perception." The "veil of perception" is just a theory. The "veil of perception" is what we imagine of the world. It is only what we perceive it as. It’s how we see it, but we must perceive the world pretty accurately or else we wouldn’t survive long. Though, there is no way how we perceive the world is accurate so there is always the doubt, the theory. Has anyone read the book "Ender's Game?" In the book the author (Orson Scott Card) chose a made a pseudonym for one of the characters. He chose the name Locke because the kid was perceiving everyone one the internet and tricking them to think that he was an adult. This is sort of an example of the "veil of perception." Is everything really as it seems? (That last line seems like the closer to a movie...)
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Thanks to all men and women that protect us and save us. Thanks for keeping our country safe and hopefully this event will never happen again.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person to come up with the theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe. He figured out that the sun was the center of the universe. He thought that the planets moved in a circle around the sun. Not far behind was a name that we all should know, Galileo. Galileo was told by the church to stop his research of this topic or else...(BUMBUMBUM!!!!) Guess what? Galileo didn't stop even after what the church did. Galileo was later arrested by the church and was charged with heresies (Going against the churches beliefs). The was put under house arrest due to his age and health. We also have Kepler. He discovered that the planets moved in an oval around the sun instead of what Copernicus thought. The knowledge of knowing the sun was the center of orbit, not the Earth, made the church very mad because it went against what they believed. So it made a lot of people get imprisoned. They eventually learned that they were proven wrong and the world had finally discovered a key fact about our universe.
Monday, September 9, 2013
My version of dubstep:
Dow wow teteteteeeteteo
Bow wow bowchica bububububohhh!!!
Buhhh bwanananananow
Abrumbrumbrumbrum bowdadow bowda dow
Yeah, today I'm just going to talk about my cat because I have nothing else to talk about. My cat is a hyland-lynx and her name is Angel:). She is a house cat because even though she is part lynx, her breed can't survive outside. She loves cuddling at night, stealing my bacon, attacking me, stoping me from working, scratching my stomach, and falls asleep while she's standing. Yeah, she's a pretty weird cat... but I prefer the term "*Special*". So birds watch out! Well, she probably is too fat to actually catch a bird, but that doesn't matter. It's the thought that counts.
Dow wow teteteteeeteteo
Bow wow bowchica bububububohhh!!!
Buhhh bwanananananow
Abrumbrumbrumbrum bowdadow bowda dow
Yeah, today I'm just going to talk about my cat because I have nothing else to talk about. My cat is a hyland-lynx and her name is Angel:). She is a house cat because even though she is part lynx, her breed can't survive outside. She loves cuddling at night, stealing my bacon, attacking me, stoping me from working, scratching my stomach, and falls asleep while she's standing. Yeah, she's a pretty weird cat... but I prefer the term "*Special*". So birds watch out! Well, she probably is too fat to actually catch a bird, but that doesn't matter. It's the thought that counts.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Is justice our best virtue? Greek philosopher, Plato, said that the law system should have a combination of justice, order, and punishment (BUM-BUM-BUAMM!!). Even still today we try to have justice in our law system. We try to be fair. The symbol of universal justice is a blind-folded lady holding a scale. It represents that every one should be treated equally no matter race, gender, or any of that! Her name is Lady Justice. Justice must be pretty important to be in our law system and have its own symbol (I wish I could have a symbol). But there are plenty of other virtues that are important. Virtues like kindness, humorous, bravery, independence. Take all of those in. What would happen if no one had those virtues? Now think, what would happen if we didn't have justice. The outcome for both would be pretty bad. Personally, I don't think that justice is our best virtue, I think that all virtues play a huge role in life. All virtues are our best virtues because our virtues are what makes us who we are! All virtues have the same role in making us who we are. They define us, they make us.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Supply = Demand
Equilibrium means supply meets demand. Let's say your selling homemade cheese puffs. You start out selling them at $1.00 a puff, but no one is buying them. You lower the price to $0.75 and 12 people buy a puff. Then you lower the price to $0.50 and more people start to buy them. The cheese puffs are also selling faster. Once again, you lower the price to $0.25 a puff, but so many people are buying them so fast, that you can't keep up with demand. So, you decide to make the price $0.35, which is equilibrium. It's right in between how fast you can make cheese puffs and how many people buy them at a certain rate. Supply meets demand. That's exactly where you want to be, right in the middle. Also, since you reacted quickly to all of the changes, you are be price elastic. Price elastic means to rebound quickly to a change in sales. Price inelastic means to react slowly. Think of a rubber band. If it has a lot of elasticity, it will sling faster. If it has very little elasticity, it will sling very slow. If you are trying to sell something and make the most amount of money, I recommend finding equilibrium and being price elastic. Also, let me know if you're selling chocolate covered bacon.^_^ Comment what I should write about next.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Philosophy is the questioning of ideas and knowledge. Plato is one the most legendary philosophers of all time. He was an extremely deep thinker. Plato was born in 428 B.C. in Athens, Greece. He founded the Academy of Athens and was apprenticed to Socrates. He is famous for his book Republic and created the theory of Forms. To me Plato's Cave basically means that you start to question what everything is and how this is that. You start to question everything you know and all of your ideas. You try to find the truth. Just imagine if you've been holed up in a cave you life being shackled to the wall with a fire behind you and all you can see is shadow on the wall, you'll start to question your knowledge. I know, deep stuff.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Pluto A Planet?
Is Pluto a planet? Once upon a time it was, but in 2006 at the 26th general assembly of the International Astronomical Union took a vote if a planet would be described by this criteria. It has to:
1. Orbit Around the Sun
2. Enough Gravitational Pull to be in a Fairly Circular Shape
3. The Only Object in a Certain Perimeter
Pluto only met the first two to requirements so it is now named a "Dwarf Planet." There has been over a thousand "Dwarf Planets" discovered! Though, we are always learning new things about our planets and "Dwarf Planets" all the time. In 2006, spacecraft "New Horizon" was launched and will pass Pluto in 2015 and continue it's journey into the unknown areas of space! What should I write about next?
1. Orbit Around the Sun
2. Enough Gravitational Pull to be in a Fairly Circular Shape
3. The Only Object in a Certain Perimeter
Pluto only met the first two to requirements so it is now named a "Dwarf Planet." There has been over a thousand "Dwarf Planets" discovered! Though, we are always learning new things about our planets and "Dwarf Planets" all the time. In 2006, spacecraft "New Horizon" was launched and will pass Pluto in 2015 and continue it's journey into the unknown areas of space! What should I write about next?
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Zero was an invention. Think about it. Did the Romans have a numeral for zero? Nope. Then the Babylonians came along and used zero as a place holder for number like one-hundred. Then about a thousand years later a Indian mathematician named Brahmagupta invented it as an actual number in math. He invented the number before one, zero. He figured out how to use it in basic math. Example:
0 + 1 = 1 0 x 5 = 0 The invention of zero in math changed the world. Imagine how much stuff we wouldn't have with out the simple number zero! I don't want to do an example of how many because I'm too lazy, but that's not the point. That lame number zero, made a huge difference in the way we live. Comment what you think I should write about next.
0 + 1 = 1 0 x 5 = 0 The invention of zero in math changed the world. Imagine how much stuff we wouldn't have with out the simple number zero! I don't want to do an example of how many because I'm too lazy, but that's not the point. That lame number zero, made a huge difference in the way we live. Comment what you think I should write about next.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Are we really free? It feels like we are doesn't it. Well, think harder. Laws are here to protect us from people who don't have a moral compass and don't no the difference between right and wrong. I live on an island where we're NOT allowed to whistle in the streets past nine 'o clock! Is that law protecting us from some sort of monster that is attracted to whistling past nine? Nope. I understand that people are trying to sleep, but is whistling as loud as a siren? Nope. Here's another example, at my school we're not allowed to wear colored socks but we can have up to seven facial piercings! What?? There are a lot more unnecessary laws like that. Do you know what those unnecessary laws are doing? Taking away our freedom. We are also getting monitored by the government. Reading our e-mails, listening to our phone calls, watching us with drones. I figured out that google reads you e-mails because the adds that show up at the top of the g-mail page there is ads that pop up there. I hit the "why this ad" button and it said the adds were based off my e-mails. Wow. What happened to faith in your people? Once again, are we really free? Think about that. Comment what you think.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Self-Interest can be good thing or a bad thing. For example, my band can connect with people and make then have a good time through our songs. We do our music out of self interest and people enjoy it with us. Though sometimes you do something and people won't like it. Let's say you want to start a trend of people wearing orange pants with you underwear on the outside. Not very attractive right? People are most likely not going to like it and slap you down. That was a very dramatic example of the "Invisible Hand." That term was made by a 1700s philosopher named Adam Smith. The "Invisible Hand" basically means that sometimes people will like something you do or they won't like it and beat you up. The invisible hand is basically "The People." The invisible hand will either give a high five or slap you in the face. Which brings us back to self-interest which is how everything started. Coca-Cola started because a person wanted to make an awesome drink out of self-interest and people liked it! Invisible hand high five! Then there's this really bad invention that a person made out of self-interest. And guess what? No one liked it and the guy got an invisible slap to the face! It's called the invisible hand because you don't know what it's going to do! All you can do is try at something that you like doing or have a problem. Do something about it and either the invisible hand will like it or it will slap you. That's part of life. Comment what you think about this.
-Scotty Wilmer
-Scotty Wilmer
Monday, August 26, 2013
Is your brain envatted? A brain in a vat is a brain that is literally a brain in a vat or a jar. It is kept alive by nutritions inside of the vat and the nerves are hooked up to a big computer that can generate a fake world for the brain. So basically the brain would be in a world that is controlled by who ever uses the computer, but the brain doesn't know that! What has happened is there is a brain in a jar vat that is kept alive by nutrition, that is hooked up to a computer, "living" in a fake world, controlled by someone. And the brain has no idea it is controlled. This is a theory developed by Rene Descartes. It is the theory of doubt. How do we know we're not in a vat right now? We wouldn't know it if we were because the brain thinks it always in reality. Crazy right?
Friday, August 23, 2013
I'm going to be honest, my name isn't really Scotty. I'm afraid I can't give you my real identity.*_* My blog is going to basically be about me my band and all that stuff. We've been playing for six years now and we're getting ready for England! ROCK 'N' ROLL BRO! Want to know my fellow band mates? Hahahahahahaha, they're my brothers-_-... I'm fine with that though, even though they're annoying at times we all come together because we all have one familiar goal. To be great! I don't know about all of you people, but I don't want to die a nobody! One tip, don't have Taco Bell before an important meeting. Does NOT go well with your colon! Yeah, I also do some photography. NIKON BABY!
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