Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Doppler Effect

Today I learned about the Doppler Effect. It was invented by Christian Doppler in 1842, a mathematician. Lets say we're walking along a road and a car passes while honking its horn. As it comes toward us the horn is a higher pitch, and when it passes us the horn has a lower pitch. Thats because when an object (that makes light or sound) is still, the sound or light waves spread out in all directions. Though, when that object moves, the front waves the to squish up and getting smaller, thus making the higher pitched horn. Here's an example:
(       (      (    (   (  ( ((*))))) ------>
People have learned how to use this in weather too, they use a Doppler radar. What happens is weather stations will send out microwaves (electromagnetic waves, also the same waves in your microwave) and those waves will go out and hit clouds and storms and will bounce back to the weather station, which will the produce a picture about the information it got from the waves.
A          L         L        I       N      A     L    L   T  H E(doppler effect is pretty)AWESOME

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Brain Transplant

 Has anyone heard of The Ship of Theseus? If you haven't, look it up. Now it's time to talk about what I wanted to talk about. If you were to have a total brain transplant, would you still be the same you? Think about it, you wouldn't have the same memories, feelings, and thoughts. Unless doctors and scientist invented some sort of injection that held all your old memories and feelings that they could inject into your new brain to give you all your old thoughts, memories, and feelings back. I doubt that though.
Most people believe you are made of your own actions and personalities. If you get a new brain, then you won't act like you used to. You wouldn't have the same memories either. Therefore, you wouldn't be you, but that's just half of it.
Other people believe that it's your body that make you who you are. So if you have the same body but different brain, the you would still be you.
What do you think?

P.S. If you did your research then you would realize that this is exactly like The Ship of Theseus and you would know why:)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Do you think that there is the same amount of even numbers as whole numbers? There actually is, here's why. If you look at this "number line," and you  1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8
multiplay each number by two, you get an even            |   |    |    |   |    |    |    |
number every time. Since there are an infinite amount 2  4   6   8 10 12 14 16
of numbers, there will always be enough evens to match up with the whole numbers! Something that's infinite just keeps going on forever, and ever.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mind And Body

Cartesian dualism, the metaphysical theory that there are two different kinds of substances; mind or "mental substance," and body or "physical substance." That sounds really scientific but basically Cartesian dualism is the theory that mind and body are separate. Think about it this way, you can touch your body, but can you touch your thoughts? Nope. If you believe in God and you follow His wishes, you expect to go to Heaven, but your body itself can't go to Heaven. It's been buried six feet under ground in a coffin! It's just your soul that goes to Heaven. It's your soul that moves on, and in some religions, it gets reincarnated. See you in the after life!


Monday, October 21, 2013

Minimum Wage

Living on minimum wage is hard. You can barely get by paying you necessities. Let's say you work minimum wage at a McDonalds and you live in an apartment with two other roommates. Your parents kicked you out of their house because they can't support you forever. You make $777.20 a month after taxes and this is what you have to pay for:

Payments (per month)
Rent = $333
Gas = $100
Car Insurance = $30
Food = $50
Water = $10
Electricity = $30
Cell Phone Bill = $50
Health Care = $75
Internet = $13
Monthly Payment Total = $691

Money Left Over = $86

It's hard to live like that, and there will probably be other problems like car accidents, girlfriends, family gifts, kids, etc. There's thousands of people that live like that in the U.S. alone. Just be thankful if you don't have to live like this. It's brutal, but it's part of life.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Opportunity Cost

Nothing is ever free. Let's say I take you out to lunch and I'm paying. Free lunch for you, right? Nope, your sacrificing your time and the polite thing to do is take me out to lunch so then you'll end up paying too. Or you could just be a jerk and leave me hanging, but none-the-less, you could have done something else in that time. Something may be title free but you'll somehow end up paying for it. Let's say you got a "free" pie from someone, but it's poisoned! In order to survive you have to get your stomach pumped and you end up paying for the pumping of your stomach. You got a "free" pie, but you ended up paying for it. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Comment what you think.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013


This video shows a few examples of gravity in work. To me gravity is pretty awesome. It's what keeps us on the ground and keeps us from floating around like a bunch of idiots! THANKS GRAVITY! Gravity was first put in scientific terms by Isaac Newton. It is where two objects are pulled together, for instance, in one part a the video some kid tried jump off this huge wall and go over a river. Though, he failed because gravity pulled him down before he made it to the other side. The boy was pulled down to Earth (Literally and mentally).Well done gravity! Comment what you think below!
